.. Introduction to reinforcement learning and control theory documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Aug 9 15:29:47 2022. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. _index: Introduction to reinforcement learning and control theory ===================================================================================== {# .. warning:: The exercises are being updated for the 2024 semester. I recommend that you use the online version to make sure you are up to date. I will make sure that the exercises are ready at least one week before the lecture. #} .. hint:: :class: margin Use :kbd:`ctrl+k` to search. This page contains material and information related to the spring 2024 version of the course **{{course_title}}**, offered at DTU. If you are curious about the course, you can read more :ref:`about the course here `. If you are enrolled and just starting out, you should begin with the :ref:`installation`. You can find the exercises, project descriptions in the menu to the left. {# - :fas:`bell` I have uploaded :ref:`previous exam sets and practical information ` :fas:`bell` #} Practicalities ********************************************************************************************************************** {% if not CE %} .. note:: :class: margin This page is automatically updated with typos, etc. I therefore recommend bookmarking it and using the newest version of the exercises. {% if CE %} :Time and Place: {{ lecture_location }}, 13:00-15:00. :Online help: :fab:`product-hunt` `piazza.com <{{piazza}}>`_ {% else %} :Time and place: :fas:`clock` {{ lecture_location }}, {{ lecture_time }} {% endif %} {% if not CE %}:DTU Learn: :fa:`house` `02465 <{{dtulearn_homepage}}>`__ {% endif %} :Exercise code: :fab:`gitlab` `{{students_git }} <{{students_git}}>`__ {% if not CE %}:Course descriptions: :fas:`folder` `kurser.dtu.dk `__ {% endif %} :Lecture recordings: :fas:`film` `panopto.dtu.dk <{{videolectures}}>`__ {% if not CE %}:Discord: :fab:`discord` `Discord channel <{{ discord }}>`__ (`invitation link <{{ discord_invite }}>`__) :Campus-wide python support: :fas:`circle-info` `pythonsupport.dtu.dk `__ :Contact: :fas:`envelope` Tue Herlau, `{{email}} <{{email}}>`__. {% endif %} {% else %} :Time and Place: :fas:`clock` {{ lecture_location }}, {{lecture_time }}. :Exercise code: :fab:`gitlab` `lab.compute.dtu.dk <{{students_git}}>`_ {% if not CE %}:Course descriptions: :fas:`folder` `02002 `__ and `02003 `__{% endif %} :Online help: :fab:`product-hunt` `piazza.com <{{piazza}}>`_ {% if not CE %}:Discord: :fab:`discord` `Discord channel <{{ discord }}>`_ (`invitation link <{{ discord_invite }}>`_) :Python support: :fas:`circle-info` `pythonsupport.dtu.dk `__ :Contact: Administrative inquiries, such as exemptions, extensions or special circumstances, should be send to :fas:`envelope` `programmering@compute.dtu.dk `_. {% endif %} {% endif %} Course schedule ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The schedule and reading can be found below. Click on the titles to read the exercise and project descriptions. .. raw:: html
.. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto * - # - Date - Title - Reading - Homework - Exercise - Slides * - - {{ ex0['latex_abbrev_year'] }} - :ref:`{{ ex0['title'] }} ` - Chapter 1-3 :fas:`star`, :cite:`herlau` - - :asset:`[PDF] <02465ex0_Python.pdf>` - {% for l in lectures %}{% if l.number < 14 %} {% for r in reports.values() %}{% if r.handin.lecture == l.number and r.id > 0 %} * - - **{{r.handin.latex_abbrev_year }}** - :fas:`code` :ref:`project{{r.id}}` - - - - {% endif %}{% endfor %} * - {{l['number'] }} - {{l.latex_abbrev_year}} - | :ref:`{{l['title'] }} ` {% if 1 > 2 %}| {% for r in reports.values() %}{% if r.handin.lecture == l.number %}(:ref:`project{{r.id}}`, **{{r.handin.latex_abbrev}}, 23:59**) {% endif %}{% endfor %} {% endif %} - {{l.reading_rst }} - :fas:`hand-point-right` {{ l['homework_problems'] }} - :asset:`[PDF] <02465ex{{ l['number'] }}_Python.pdf>` - {% if ( l['date'].now() - l['date'] ).days >= l['show_slides_after'] %} :asset:`[1x] ` :asset:`[6x] ` {% else %} TBA {% endif %} {% endif %}{% endfor %} .. raw:: html
The reading material is available here: :[Her24]: :asset:`02465_Notes.pdf` :[SB18]: `Introduction to Reinforcement Learning (2020) `_ (Authors `homepage `_) You can find the exam QA slides :ref:`here `. Details about the exam QA session will be announced on DTU Learn. .. note:: - :fas:`star` Chapters 1--3 is background information about python and are therefore not part of the main course content (pensum). Knowledge of python is required for the exams. - :fas:`hand-point-right` The **Homework** column list those problems that will be discussed during class. They are also indicated by a :fas:`hand-point-right` in the margin of the PDF file. I encourage you to prepare them at home and present your solution during the exercise session. {% if not CE %} Exercise sessions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. hint:: :class: margin I will upload solutions to some of the python problems on `gitlab `__. The teaching assistants will be available Fridays 10:00--12:00 after the lecture. .. container:: small {{ ".. flat-table" }}:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto * - Location - Instructor - Email {% for room in rooms %}{% set outer_loop = loop %}{% for i in room['instructors'] %} {% if loop.index == 1 %}{{ '*' if True else ' '}} - {{":rspan:"}}`{{ (room['instructors'] | length - 1) }}` {{room['location'] }} {% endif %} {{ '*' if loop.index > 1 else ' '}} - {{i['name']}} - {{i['email']}} {% endfor %}{% endfor %} For the exercises, you are encouraged to prepare the **homework** problems at home (see syllabus above), and present your solution during the exercise session. {% endif %} Additional reading material --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The material below is referenced in the course but it is not part of the course syllabus. {{ ".. flat-table" }}:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto * - Reference name - Download * - (:cite:t:`tassa`) - :asset:`tassa2012.pdf` * - (:cite:t:`kelly`) - :asset:`kelly2017.pdf` Contents ================================================================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 information/index models/index exercises/index projects/index exam Indices and tables ================================================================================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` Bibliography ================================================================================== .. bibliography:: This page was last updated at: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from datetime import datetime >>> print("Document updated at:", datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"))