Source code for irlc.ex02.dp
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[Her25] Tue Herlau. Sequential decision making. (Freely available online), 2025.
from irlc.ex02.deterministic_inventory import DeterministicInventoryDPModel
from irlc.ex02.dp_model import DPModel
def DP_stochastic(model: DPModel) -> tuple[list[dict], list[dict]]:
Implement the stochastic DP algorithm. The implementation follows (Her25, Algorithm 1).
Once you are done, you should be able to call the function as:
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from irlc.ex02.deterministic_inventory import DeterministicInventoryDPModel
>>> from irlc.ex02.dp import DP_stochastic
>>> model = DeterministicInventoryDPModel() # Instantiate the deterministic DP model
>>> J, pi = DP_stochastic(model)
>>> print(pi[0][2]) # Action taken in state ``x_0=2`` at time step ``k=0``.
:param model: An instance of :class:`irlc.ex02.dp_model.DPModel` class. This represents the problem we wish to solve.
- ``J`` - A list of of cost function so that ``J[k][x]`` represents :math:`J_k(x)`
- ``pi`` - A list of dictionaries so that ``pi[k][x]`` represents :math:`\mu_k(x)`
In case you run into problems, I recommend following the hints in (Her25, Subsection 6.2.1) and focus on the
case without a noise term; once it works, you can add the w-terms. When you don't loop over noise terms, just specify
them as w = None in env.f and env.g.
N = model.N
J = [{} for _ in range(N + 1)]
pi = [{} for _ in range(N)]
J[N] = {x: model.gN(x) for x in model.S(model.N)}
for k in range(N-1, -1, -1):
for x in model.S(k):
Update pi[k][x] and Jstar[k][x] using the general DP algorithm given in (Her25, Algorithm 1).
If you implement it using the pseudo-code, I recommend you define Q (from the algorithm) as a dictionary like the J-function such that
> Q[u] = Q_u (for all u in model.A(x,k))
Then you find the u with the lowest value of Q_u, i.e.
> umin = arg_min_u Q[u]
(for help, google: `python find key in dictionary with minimum value').
Then you can use this to update J[k][x] = Q_umin and pi[k][x] = umin.
# TODO: 4 lines missing.
raise NotImplementedError("Insert your solution and remove this error.")
After the above update it should be the case that:
J[k][x] = J_k(x)
pi[k][x] = pi_k(x)
return J, pi
if __name__ == "__main__": # Test dp on the deterministic version of the inventory control environment.
print("Testing the deterministic DP algorithm on the small graph environment")
model = DeterministicInventoryDPModel() # Instantiate the inventory control environment
J, pi = DP_stochastic(model)
# Print all optimal cost functions J_k(x_k)
for k in range(len(J)):
print(", ".join([f"J_{k}({i}) = {v:.1f}" for i, v in J[k].items()]))
print(f"Total cost when starting in state x_0 = 2: {J[0][2]=} (and should be 5)")