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Quadratic cost functions
import numpy as np
from irlc.ex03.control_cost import targ2matrices
def nz(X,a,b=None):
return np.zeros((a,) if b is None else (a,b)) if X is None else X
class DiscreteQRCost: #(DiscreteCost):
This class represents the cost function for a discrete-time model. In the simulations, we are going to assume
that the cost function takes the form:
.. math::
\sum_{k=0}^{N-1} c_k(x_k, u_k) + c_N(x_N)
And this class will specifically implement the two functions :math:`c` and :math:`c_N`.
They will be assumed to have the quadratic form:
.. math::
c_k(x_k, u_k) & = \frac{1}{2} x_k^T Q x_k + \frac{1}{2} u_k^T R u_k + u^T_k H x_k + q^T x_k + r^T u_k + q_0, \\\\
c_N(x_N) & = \frac{1}{2} x_N^T Q_N x_N + q_N^T x_N + q_{0,N}.
So what all of this boils down to is that the class just need to store a bunch of matrices and vectors.
You can add and scale cost-functions
A slightly smart thing about the cost functions are that you can add and scale them. The following provides an
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from irlc.ex04.discrete_control_cost import DiscreteQRCost
>>> import numpy as np
>>> cost1 = DiscreteQRCost(np.eye(2), np.zeros(1) ) # Set Q = I, R = 0
>>> cost2 = DiscreteQRCost(np.ones((2,2)), np.zeros(1) ) # Set Q = 2x2 matrices of 1's, R = 0
>>> print(cost1.Q) # Will be the identity matrix.
>>> cost = cost1 * 3 + cost2 * 2
>>> print(cost.Q) # Will be 3 x I + 2
def __init__(self, Q, R, H=None,q=None,r=None,qc=0, QN=None, qN=None,qcN=0):
n, d = Q.shape[0], R.shape[0]
self.QN, self.qN = nz(QN,n,n), nz(qN,n)
self.Q, self.q = nz(Q, n, n), nz(q, n)
self.R, self.H, self.r = nz(R, d, d), nz(H, d, n), nz(r, d)
self.qc, self.qcN = qc, qcN
self.flds_term = ['QN', 'qN', 'qcN']
self.flds = ['Q', 'q', 'R', 'H', 'r', 'qc'] + self.flds_term
def c(self, x, u, k=None, compute_gradients=False):
Evaluate the (instantaneous) part of the function :math:`c_k(x_k,u_k)`. An example:
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from irlc.ex04.discrete_control_cost import DiscreteQRCost
>>> import numpy as np
>>> cost = DiscreteQRCost(np.eye(2), np.eye(1)) # Set Q = I, R = 0
>>> cost.c(x = np.asarray([1,2]), u=np.asarray([0]), compute_gradients=False) # should return 0.5 * x^T Q x = 0.5 * (1 + 4)
The function can also return the derivates of the cost function if ``compute_derivates=True``
:param x: The state :math:`x_k`
:param u: The action :math:`u_k`
:param k: The time step :math:`k` (this will be ignored)
:param compute_gradients: if ``True`` the function will compute gradients and Hessians.
- ``c`` - The cost as a ``float``
- ``c_x`` - The derivative with respect to :math:`x`
c = 1/2 * (x @ self.Q @ x) + 1/2 * (u @ self.R @ u) + u @ self.H @ x + self.q @ x + self.r @ u + self.qc
c_x = 1/2 * (self.Q + self.Q.T) @ x + self.q
c_u = 1 / 2 * (self.R + self.R.T) @ u + self.r
c_ux = self.H
c_xx = self.Q
c_uu = self.R
if compute_gradients:
# this is useful for MPC when we apply an optimizer rather than LQR (iLQR)
return c, c_x, c_u, c_xx, c_ux, c_uu
return c
def cN(self, x, compute_gradients=False):
Evaluate the terminal (constant) term in the cost function :math:`c_N(x_N)`. An example:
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from irlc.ex04.discrete_control_cost import DiscreteQRCost
>>> import numpy as np
>>> cost = DiscreteQRCost(np.eye(2), np.zeros(1), QN=np.eye(2)) # Set Q = I, R = 0
>>> c, Jx, Jxx = cost.cN(x=2*np.ones((2,)), compute_gradients=True)
>>> c # should return 0.5 * x_N^T * x_N = 0.5 * 8
:param x: Terminal state :math:`x_N`
:param compute_gradients: if ``True`` the function will compute gradients and Hessians of the cost function.
:return: The last (terminal) part of the cost-function :math:`c_N`
J = 1/2 * (x @ self.QN @ x) + self.qN @ x + self.qcN
if compute_gradients:
J_x = 1 / 2 * (self.QN + self.QN.T) @ x + self.qN
return J, J_x, self.QN
return J
def __add__(self, c):
return DiscreteQRCost(**{k: self.__dict__[k] + c.__dict__[k] for k in self.flds})
def __mul__(self, c):
return DiscreteQRCost(**{k: self.__dict__[k] * c for k in self.flds})
def __str__(self):
title = "Discrete-time cost function"
label1 = "Non-zero terms in c_k(x_k, u_k)"
label2 = "Non-zero terms in c_N(x_N)"
terms1 = [s for s in self.flds if s not in self.flds_term]
terms2 = self.flds_term
from irlc.ex03.control_cost import _repr_cost
return _repr_cost(self, title, label1, label2, terms1, terms2)
def zero(cls, state_size, action_size):
Creates an all-zero cost function, i.e. all terms :math:`Q`, :math:`R` are set to zero.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from irlc.ex04.discrete_control_cost import DiscreteQRCost
>>> cost = DiscreteQRCost.zero(2, 1)
>>> cost.Q # 2x2 zero matrix
>>> cost.R # 1x1 zero matrix.
:param state_size: Dimension of the state vector :math:`n`
:param action_size: Dimension of the action vector :math:`d`
:return: A ``DiscreteQRCost`` with all zero terms.
return cls(Q=np.zeros((state_size, state_size)), R=np.zeros((action_size, action_size)))
def goal_seeking_terminal_cost(self, xN_target, QN=None):
Create a discrete cost function which is minimal when the final state :math:`x_N` is equal to a goal state :math:`x_N^*`.
Concretely, it will return a cost function of the form
.. math::
c_N(x_N) = \\frac{1}{2} (x^*_N - x_N)^\\top Q (x^*_N - x_N)
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from irlc.ex04.discrete_control_cost import DiscreteQRCost
>>> import numpy as np
>>> cost = DiscreteQRCost.zero(2, 1)
>>> cost += cost.goal_seeking_terminal_cost(xN_target=np.ones((2,)))
>>> print(cost.qN)
>>> print(cost)
:param xN_target: Target state :math:`x_N^*`
:param Q: Cost matrix :math:`Q`
:return: A ``DiscreteQRCost`` object corresponding to the goal-seeking cost function
if QN is None:
QN = np.eye(xN_target.size)
QN, qN, qcN = targ2matrices(xN_target, Q=QN)
return DiscreteQRCost(Q=QN*0, R=self.R*0, QN=QN, qN=qN, qcN=qcN)
def goal_seeking_cost(self, x_target, Q=None):
Create a discrete cost function which is minimal when the state :math:`x_k` is equal to a goal state :math:`x_k^*`.
Concretely, it will return a cost function of the form
.. math::
c_k(x_k, u_k) = \\frac{1}{2} (x^*_k - x_k)^\\top Q (x^*_k - x_k)
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from irlc.ex04.discrete_control_cost import DiscreteQRCost
>>> import numpy as np
>>> cost = DiscreteQRCost.zero(2, 1)
>>> cost += cost.goal_seeking_cost(x_target=np.ones((2,)))
>>> print(cost.q)
>>> print(cost)
:param x_target: Target state :math:`x_k^*`
:param Q: Cost matrix :math:`Q`
:return: A ``DiscreteQRCost`` object corresponding to the goal-seeking cost function
if Q is None:
Q = np.eye(x_target.size)
Q, q, qc = targ2matrices(x_target, Q=Q)
return DiscreteQRCost(Q=Q, R=self.R*0, q=q, qc=qc)