Source code for irlc.ex07.ilqr

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  [Her25] Tue Herlau. Sequential decision making. (Freely available online), 2025.
  [TET12] Yuval Tassa, Tom Erez, and Emanuel Todorov. Synthesis and stabilization of complex behaviors through online trajectory optimization. In 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 4906–4913. IEEE, 2012. (See tassa2012.pdf).
  [Har20] James Harrison. Optimal and learning-based control combined course notes. (See AA203combined.pdf), 2020.
This implements two methods: The basic ILQR method, described in (Her25, Algorithm 24), and the linesearch-based method
described in (Her25, Algorithm 25).

If you are interested, you can consult (TET12) (which contains generalization to DDP) and (Har20, Alg 1).
import warnings
import numpy as np
from irlc.ex06.dlqr import LQR
from irlc.ex04.discrete_control_model import DiscreteControlModel

def ilqr_basic(model : DiscreteControlModel, N, x0, us_init : list = None, n_iterations=500, verbose=True):
    Implements the basic ilqr algorithm, i.e. (Her25, Algorithm 24). Our notation (x_bar, etc.) will be consistent with the lecture slides
    mu, alpha = 1, 1 # Hyperparameters. For now, just let them have defaults and don't change them
    # Create a random initial state-sequence
    n, m = model.state_size, model.action_size
    u_bar = [np.random.uniform(-1, 1,(model.action_size,)) for _ in range(N)] if us_init is None else us_init
    x_bar = [x0] + [np.zeros(n, )] * N
    Initialize nominal trajectory xs, us using us and x0 (i.e. simulate system from x0 using action sequence us). 
    The simplest way to do this is to call forward_pass with all-zero sequence of control vector/matrix l, L.
    # TODO: 2 lines missing.
    raise NotImplementedError("Initialize x_bar, u_bar here")
    J_hist = []
    for i in range(n_iterations):
        Compute derivatives around trajectory and cost estimate J of trajectory. To do so, use the get_derivatives
        function. Remember the functions will return lists of derivatives.
        # TODO: 2 lines missing.
        raise NotImplementedError("Compute J and derivatives A_k = f_x, B_k = f_u, ....")
        """  Backward pass: Obtain feedback law matrices l, L using the backward_pass function.
        # TODO: 1 lines missing.
        raise NotImplementedError("Compute L, l = .... here")
        """ Forward pass: Given L, l matrices computed above, simulate new (optimal) action sequence. 
        In the lecture slides, this is similar to how we compute u^*_k and x_k
        Once they are computed, iterate the iLQR algorithm by setting x_bar, u_bar equal to these values
        # TODO: 1 lines missing.
        raise NotImplementedError("Compute x_bar, u_bar = ...")
        if verbose:
            print(f"{i}> J={J:4g}, change in cost since last iteration {0 if i == 0 else J-J_hist[-1]:4g}")
    return x_bar, u_bar, J_hist, L, l

def ilqr_linesearch(model : DiscreteControlModel, N, x0, n_iterations, us_init=None, tol=1e-6, verbose=True):
    For linesearch implement method described in (Her25, Algorithm 25) (we will use regular iLQR, not DDP!)
    # The range of alpha-values to try out in the linesearch
    # plus parameters relevant for regularization scheduling.
    alphas = 1.1 ** (-np.arange(10) ** 2)  # alphas = [1, 1.1^{-2}, ...]
    mu_min = 1e-6
    mu_max = 1e10
    Delta_0 = 2
    mu = 1.0
    Delta = Delta_0

    n, m = model.state_size, model.action_size
    u_bar = [np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (model.action_size,)) for _ in range(N)] if us_init is None else us_init
    x_bar = [x0] + [np.zeros(n, )] * (N)
    # Initialize nominal trajectory xs, us (same as in basic linesearch)
    # TODO: 2 lines missing.
    raise NotImplementedError("Copy-paste code from previous solution")
    J_hist = []

    converged = False
    for i in range(n_iterations):
        alpha_was_accepted = False
        """ Step 1: Compute derivatives around trajectory and cost estimate of trajectory.
        (copy-paste from basic implementation). In our implementation, J_bar = J_{u^star}(x_0) """
        # TODO: 2 lines missing.
        raise NotImplementedError("Obtain derivatives f_x, f_u, ... as well as cost of trajectory J_bar = ...")
            Step 2: Backward pass to obtain control law (l, L). Same as before so more copy-paste
            # TODO: 1 lines missing.
            raise NotImplementedError("Obtain l, L = ... in backward pass")
            Step 3: Forward pass and alpha scheduling.
            Decrease alpha and check condition |J^new < J'|. Apply the regularization scheduling as needed. """
            for alpha in alphas:
                x_hat, u_hat = forward_pass(model, x_bar, u_bar, L=L, l=l, alpha=alpha) # Simulate trajectory using this alpha
                # TODO: 1 lines missing.
                raise NotImplementedError("Compute J_new = ... as the cost of trajectory x_hat, u_hat")

                if J_new < J_prime:
                    """ Linesearch proposed trajectory accepted! Set current trajectory equal to x_hat, u_hat. """
                    if np.abs((J_prime - J_new) / J_prime) < tol:
                        converged = True  # Method does not seem to decrease J; converged. Break and return.

                    J_prime = J_new
                    x_bar, u_bar = x_hat, u_hat
                    The update was accepted and you should change the regularization term mu, 
                     and the related scheduling term Delta.                   
                    # TODO: 1 lines missing.
                    raise NotImplementedError("Delta, mu = ...")
                    alpha_was_accepted = True # accept this alpha
        except np.linalg.LinAlgError as e:
            # Matrix in dlqr was not positive-definite and this diverged

        if not alpha_was_accepted:
            ''' No alphas were accepted, which is not too hot. Regularization should change
            # TODO: 1 lines missing.
            raise NotImplementedError("Delta, mu = ...")

            if mu_max and mu >= mu_max:
                raise Exception("Exceeded max regularization term; we are stuffed.")

        dJ = 0 if i == 0 else J_prime-J_hist[-1]
        info = "converged" if converged else ("accepted" if alpha_was_accepted else "failed")
        if verbose:
            print(f"{i}> J={J_prime:4g}, decrease in cost {dJ:4g} ({info}).\nx[N]={x_bar[-1].round(2)}")
        if converged:
    return x_bar, u_bar, J_hist, L, l

[docs] def backward_pass(A : list, B : list, c_x : list, c_u : list, c_xx : list, c_ux : list, c_uu : list, mu=1): r"""Given all derivatives, apply the LQR algorithm to get the control law. The input arguments are described in the online documentation and the lecture notes. You should use them to call your implementation of the :func:`~irlc.ex06.dlqr.LQR` method. Note that you should give a value of all inputs except for the ``d``-term. :param A: linearization of the dynamics matrices :math:`A_k`. :param B: linearization of the dynamics matrices :math:`B_k`. :param c_x: Cost terms corresponding to :math:`\mathbf{q}_k` :param c_u: Cost terms corresponding to :math:`\mathbf{r}_k` :param c_xx: Cost terms corresponding to :math:`Q_k` :param c_ux: Cost terms corresponding to :math:`H_k` :param c_uu: Cost terms corresponding to :math:`R_k` :param mu: Regularization parameter for the LQR method :return: The control law :math:`L_k, \mathbf{l}_k` as two lists. """ Q, QN = c_xx[:-1], c_xx[-1] # An example. # TODO: 4 lines missing. raise NotImplementedError("Insert your solution and remove this error.") # Define the inputs using the linearization inputs. (L, l), (V, v, vc) = LQR(A=A, B=B, R=R, Q=Q, QN=QN, H=H, q=q, qN=qN, r=r, mu=mu) return L, l
[docs] def cost_of_trajectory(model : DiscreteControlModel, xs : list, us : list) -> float: r"""Helper function which computes the cost of the trajectory. The cost is defined as: .. math:: c_N( \bar {\mathbf x}_N, \bar {\mathbf u}_) + \sum_{k=0}^{N-1} c_k(\bar {\mathbf x}_k, \bar {\mathbf u}_k) and to compute it, you should use the two helper methods ``model.cost.c`` and ``model.cost.cN`` (see :func:`~irlc.ex04.discrete_control_cost.DiscreteQRCost.c` and :func:`~irlc.ex04.discrete_control_cost.DiscreteQRCost.cN`). :param model: The control model used to compute the cost. :param xs: A list of length :math:`N+1` of the form :math:`\begin{bmatrix}\bar {\mathbf x}_0 & \dots & \bar {\mathbf x}_N \end{bmatrix}` :param us: A list of length :math:`N` of the form :math:`\begin{bmatrix}\bar {\mathbf x}_0 & \dots & \bar {\mathbf x}_{N-1} \end{bmatrix}` :return: The cost as a number. """ N = len(us) JN = model.cost.cN(xs[-1]) return sum(map(lambda args: model.cost.c(*args), zip(xs[:-1], us, range(N)))) + JN
[docs] def get_derivatives(model : DiscreteControlModel, x_bar : list, u_bar : list): """Compute all the derivatives used in the model. The return type should match the meaning in (Her25, Subequation 17.8) and in the online documentation. - ``c`` should be a list of length :math:`N+1` - ``c_x`` should be a list of length :math:`N+1` - ``c_xx`` should be a list of length :math:`N+1` - ``c_u`` should be a list of length :math:`N` - ``c_uu`` should be a list of length :math:`N` - ``c_ux`` should be a list of length :math:`N` - ``A`` should be a list of length :math:`N` - ``B`` should be a list of length :math:`N` Use the model to compute these terms. For instance, this will compute the first terms ``A[0]`` and ``B[0]``:: A0, B0 = model.f_jacobian(x_bar[0], u_bar[0], 0) Meanwhile, to compute the first terms of the cost-functions you should use:: c[0], c_x[0], c_u[0], c_xx[0], c_ux[0], c_uu[0] = model.cost.c(x_bar[0], u_bar[0], k=0, compute_gradients=True) :param model: The model to use when computing the derivatives of the cost :param x_bar: The nominal state-trajectory :param u_bar: The nominal action-trajectory :return: Lists of all derivatives computed around the nominal trajectory (see the lecture notes). """ N = len(u_bar) """ Compute A_k, B_k (lists of matrices of length N) as the jacobians of the dynamics. To do so, recall from the online documentation that: x, f_x, f_u = model.f(x, u, k, compute_jacobian=True) """ A = [None]*N B = [None]*N c = [None] * (N+1) c_x = [None] * (N + 1) c_xx = [None] * (N + 1) c_u = [None] * (N+1) c_ux = [None] * (N + 1) c_uu = [None] * (N + 1) # Now update each entry correctly (i.e., ensure there are no None elements left). # TODO: 4 lines missing. raise NotImplementedError("Insert your solution and remove this error.") """ Compute derivatives of the cost function. For terms not including u these should be of length N+1 (because of gN!), for the other lists of length N recall model.cost.c has output: c[i], c_x[i], c_u[i], c_xx[i], c_ux[i], c_uu[i] = model.cost.c(x, u, i, compute_gradients=True) """ # TODO: 2 lines missing. raise NotImplementedError("Insert your solution and remove this error.") # Concatenate the derivatives associated with the last time point N. cN, c_xN, c_xxN = model.cost.cN(x_bar[N], compute_gradients=True) # TODO: 3 lines missing. raise NotImplementedError("Update c, c_x and c_xx with the terminal terms.") return A, B, c, c_x, c_u, c_xx, c_ux, c_uu
[docs] def forward_pass(model : DiscreteControlModel, x_bar : list, u_bar : list, L : list, l : list, alpha=1.0): r"""Simulates the effect of the controller on the model We assume the system starts in :math:`\mathbf{x}_0 = \bar {\mathbf x}_0`, and then simulate the effect of generating actions using the closed-loop policy .. math:: \mathbf{u}_k = \bar {\mathbf u}_k + \alpha \mathbf{l}_k + L_k (\mathbf{x}_k - \bar { \mathbf x}_k) (see (Her25, eq. (17.16))). :param model: The model used to compute the dynamics. :param x_bar: A nominal list of states :param u_bar: A nominal list of actions (not used by the method) :param L: A list of control matrices :math:`L_k` :param l: A list of control vectors :math:`\mathbf{l}_k` :param alpha: The linesearch parameter. :return: A list of length :math:`N+1` of simulated states and a list of length :math:`N` of simulated actions. """ N = len(u_bar) x = [None] * (N+1) u_star = [None] * N x[0] = x_bar[0].copy() for i in range(N): r""" Compute using (Her25, eq. (17.16)) u_{i} = ... """ # TODO: 1 lines missing. raise NotImplementedError("u_star[i] = ....") """ Remember to compute x_{i+1} = f_k(x_i, u_i^*) here: """ # TODO: 1 lines missing. raise NotImplementedError("x[i+1] = ...") return x, u_star