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import numpy as np
from irlc.utils.common import defaultdict2
from irlc import Agent
class TabularAgent(Agent):
This helper class will simplify the implementation of most basic reinforcement learning. Specifically it provides:
- A :math:`Q(s,a)`-table data structure
- An epsilon-greedy exploration method
The code for the class is very simple, and I think it is a good idea to at least skim it.
The Q-data structure can be used a follows:
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from irlc.ex09.rl_agent import TabularAgent
>>> from irlc.gridworld.gridworld_environments import BookGridEnvironment
>>> env = BookGridEnvironment()
>>> agent = TabularAgent(env)
>>> state, info = env.reset() # Get the info-dictionary corresponding to s
>>> agent.Q[state, 1] = 2.5 # Update a Q-value; action a=1 is now optimal.
>>> agent.Q[state, 1] # Check it has indeed been updated.
>>> agent.Q[state, 0] # Q-values are 0 by default.
>>> agent.Q.get_optimal_action(state, info) # Note we pass along the info-dictionary corresopnding to this state
.. note::
The ``get_optimal_action``-function requires an ``info`` dictionary. This is required since the info dictionary
contains information about which actions are available. To read more about the Q-values, see :class:`~irlc.ex09.rl_agent.TabularQ`.
def __init__(self, env, gamma=0.99, epsilon=0):
Initialize a tabular environment. For convenience, it stores the discount factor :math:`\gamma` and
exploration parameter :math:`\varepsilon` for epsilon-greedy exploration. Access them as e.g. ``self.gamma``
When you implement an agent and overwrite the ``__init__``-method, you should include a call such as
``super().__init__(gamma, epsilon)``.
:param env: The gym environment
:param gamma: The discount factor :math:`\gamma`
:param epsilon: Exploration parameter :math:`\varepsilon` for epsilon-greedy exploration
self.gamma, self.epsilon = gamma, epsilon
self.Q = TabularQ(env)
def pi_eps(self, s, info):
Performs :math:`\\varepsilon`-greedy exploration with :math:`\\varepsilon =` ``self.epsilon`` and returns the
action. Recall this means that with probability :math:`\\varepsilon` it returns a random action, and otherwise
it returns an action associated with a maximal Q-value (:math:`\\arg\\max_a Q(s,a)`). An example:
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from irlc.ex09.rl_agent import TabularAgent
>>> from irlc.gridworld.gridworld_environments import BookGridEnvironment
>>> env = BookGridEnvironment()
>>> agent = TabularAgent(env)
>>> state, info = env.reset()
>>> agent.pi_eps(state, info) # Note we pass along the info-dictionary corresopnding to this state
.. note::
The ``info`` dictionary is used to mask (exclude) actions that are not possible in the state.
It is similar to the info dictionary in ``agent.pi(s,info)``.
:param s: A state :math:`s_t`
:param info: The corresponding ``info``-dictionary returned by the gym environment
:return: An action computed using :math:`\\varepsilon`-greedy action selection based the Q-values stored in the ``self.Q`` class.
if info is not None and 'seed' in info: # In case info contains a seed, reset the random number generator.
return Agent.pi(self, s, k=0, info=info) if np.random.rand() < self.epsilon else self.Q.get_optimal_action(s, info)
class ValueAgent(TabularAgent):
This is a simple wrapper class around the Agent class above. It fixes the policy and is therefore useful for doing
value estimation.
def __init__(self, env, gamma=0.95, policy=None, v_init_fun=None):
self.env = env
self.policy = policy # policy to evaluate
""" self.v holds the value estimates.
Initially v[s] = 0 unless v_init_fun is given in which case v[s] = v_init_fun(s). """
self.v = defaultdict2(float if v_init_fun is None else v_init_fun)
super().__init__(env, gamma=gamma)
self.Q = None # Blank out the Q-values which will not be used.
def pi(self, s, k, info=None):
return TabularAgent.pi(self, s, k, info) if self.policy is None else self.policy(s)
def value(self, s):
return self.v[s]
def _masked_actions(action_space, mask):
"""Helper function which applies a mask to the action space."""
from irlc.utils.common import DiscreteTextActionSpace
if isinstance(action_space, DiscreteTextActionSpace):
return [a for a in range(action_space.n) if mask[a] == 1]
return [a for a in range(action_space.n) if mask[a - action_space.start] == 1]
class TabularQ:
This is a helper class for storing Q-values. It is used by the :class:`~ircl.ex09.rl_agent.TabularAgent` to store
Q-values where it can be be accessed as ``self.Q[s,a]``.
def __init__(self, env):
Initialize the table. It requires a gym environment to know how many actions there are for each state.
:param env: A gym environment.
self._known_masks = {} # Cache the known action masks.
def q_default(s):
if s in self._known_masks:
return {a: 0 for a in range(self.env.action_space.n) if self._known_masks[s][a- self.env.action_space.start] == 1}
return {a: 0 for a in range(self.env.action_space.n)}
# qfun = lambda s: OrderedDict({a: 0 for a in (env.P[s] if hasattr(env, 'P') else range(env.action_space.n))})
self.q_ = defaultdict2(lambda s: q_default(s))
self.env = env
def get_Qs(self, state, info_s=None):
Get a list of all known Q-values for this particular state. That is, in a given state, it will return the two
.. math::
\\begin{bmatrix} a_1 \\\\ a_2 \\\\ \\vdots \\\\ a_k \\end{bmatrix}, \\quad
\\begin{bmatrix} Q(s,a_1) \\\\ Q(s,a_1) \\\\ \\vdots \\\\ Q(s,a_k) \\end{bmatrix} \\\\
the ``info_s`` parameter will ensure actions are correctly masked. An example of how to use this function from
a policy:
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from irlc.ex09.rl_agent import TabularAgent
>>> class MyAgent(TabularAgent):
... def pi(self, s, k, info=None):
... actions, q_values = self.Q.get_Qs(s, info)
:param state: The state to query
:param info_s: The info-dictionary returned by the environment for this state. Used for action-masking.
- actions - A tuple containing all actions available in this state ``(a_1, a_2, ..., a_k)``
- Qs - A tuple containing all Q-values available in this state ``(Q[s,a1], Q[s, a2], ..., Q[s,ak])``
if info_s is not None and 'mask' in info_s:
if state not in self._known_masks:
self._known_masks[state] = info_s['mask']
# Probably a good idea to check the Q-values are okay...
avail_actions = _masked_actions(self.env.action_space, info_s['mask'])
self.q_[state] = {a: self.q_[state][a] for a in avail_actions}
(actions, Qa) = zip(*self.q_[state].items())
return tuple(actions), tuple(Qa)
def get_optimal_action(self, state, info_s):
For a given state ``state``, this function returns the optimal action for that state.
.. math::
a^* = \\arg\\max_a Q(s,a)
An example:
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from irlc.ex09.rl_agent import TabularAgent
>>> class MyAgent(TabularAgent):
... def pi(self, s, k, info=None):
... a_star = self.Q.get_optimal_action(s, info)
:param state: State to find the optimal action in :math:`s`
:param info_s: The ``info``-dictionary corresponding to this state
:return: The optimal action according to the Q-table :math:`a^*`
actions, Qa = self.get_Qs(state, info_s)
a_ = np.argmax(np.asarray(Qa) + np.random.rand(len(Qa)) * 1e-8)
return actions[a_]
def _chk_mask(self, s, a):
if s in self._known_masks:
mask = self._known_masks[s]
if mask[a - self.env.action_space.start] == 0:
raise Exception(f" Invalid action. You tried to access Q[{s}, {a}], however the action {a} has been previously masked and therefore cannot exist in this state. The mask for {s} is mask={mask}.")
def __getitem__(self, state_comma_action):
s, a = state_comma_action
self._chk_mask(s, a)
return self.q_[s][a]
def __setitem__(self, state_comma_action, q_value):
s, a = state_comma_action
self._chk_mask(s, a)
self.q_[s][a] = q_value
def to_dict(self):
This helper function converts the known Q-values to a dictionary. This function is only used for
visualization purposes in some of the examples.
:return: A dictionary ``q`` of all known Q-values of the form ``q[s][a]``
# Convert to a regular dictionary
d = {s: {a: Q for a, Q in Qs.items() } for s,Qs in self.q_.items()}
return d